Courses for captains

Captain's course - M patent


Course details

The sea waterways are all river sections on which you may encounter a sea-going vessel.

E.g. ARA (Amsterdam – Rotterdam – Antwerp), Hamburg, etc. As you may encounter sea-going vessels on these sections, it is important that you are familiar with their sound and light signals, signs and rules.

"M Patent" certification:

The “M Patent” is an official certificate that is issued after successful completion of the captain’s course.
This document certifies that the holder has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to safely manage a ship and its crew.
The certificate is internationally recognised and is an essential requirement for those wishing to take on
the position of captain on cargo or passenger ships sailing on sea waterways.

Together we are stronger!
Tomáš Petöcz
Founder of the TMLG ACADEMY

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+421 948 303 305

Kpt. Matúš Pohuba

Course programme

Individual offer