This certificate is a prerequisite for obtaining a Slovakian or Croatian boating licence.
Our inland and maritime radio operator course is a comprehensive programme that includes the following:
Course content:
The course covers the regulations for radio communication, operation and electrical engineering and provides participants with the in-depth theoretical knowledge required for effective communication on ships.
The course is followed by an examination to ensure that the graduate is fully qualified.
To obtain a licence, an application form, photos, a fee and proof of passing the exam are required.
Benefits after completing the course:
Radiotelephone licence:
Authorises the operation of radio equipment on inland waterway and seagoing vessels.
A must for the boating licence:
Key for obtaining the Slovakian boating licence or the Croatian boating licence.
Improved employability:
Opens up career opportunities in inland and sea freight.
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+421 948 303 305
+421 948 303 305
08:00 - 15:00
M.R.Štefánika 31, 92001 Hlohovec
+421 948 241 765
08:00 - 17:00
Labská 24, 405 02 Děčín