Courses for sailors

Rides on a certified simulator

Do you only need to prepare for the practical part of the captain's examination?

Simulator rides are at your disposal.

Course details

In the TMLG ACADEMY we offer all future captains an exciting opportunity: improve your practical skills and prepare for the captain’s examination with our state-of-the-art, certified ship simulator.

Practise different scenarios in a safe and controlled environment.

  1. Our simulator allows you to practise and perfect ship manoeuvres, navigation and other important skills.
  2. You can choose from a variety of scenarios, from simple manoeuvres to complex emergencies.
  3. Our experienced teachers will give you valuable advice and feedback so that you can learn quickly and improve.
The practical part of the state captain's examination is carried out on our certified ship simulator.
Tomáš Petöcz
Founder of the TMLG ACADEMY

Online registrácia

V prípade Vášho záujmu o jazdu na certifikovanom lodnom simulátore vyplňte tento online formulár a my Vás budeme spätne kontaktovať.



+421 948 303 305

Kpt. Matúš Pohuba

Duration of the course

Individual offer