Courses for sailors

Route certificate

Course details

Preparation courses for route certificates:
At the TMLG Academy we are planning to offer preparatory courses for obtaining route certificates for various rivers such as the Danube, Elbe, Rhine and Weser in the near future.

We are currently working hard to prepare all the necessary materials and information.

There are several ways to complete the course and obtain a route certificate:

  • practical experience, including 8 upstream and 8 downstream trips,
  • the successful completion of the blind card,
  • Successful passing of an examination before a specialised commission for a specific river section, etc.


Each country can decide for itself which method it uses to carry out the tests or which criteria it uses to issue route certificates.

For example, if you wanted to obtain a route certificate for the Hungarian section of the Danube and in Hungary such a route certificate is awarded on the basis of a successfully completed blind card, then we at the TMLG Academy would have to approach the test or preparation for the test in exactly the same way.

Preparation material:

The training material includes detailed blind maps and an exclusive atlas of the selected river, providing you with invaluable knowledge and insight into the water area you wish to explore. Depending on your individual needs and preferences, we also offer you the opportunity to improve your skills on a water simulator so that you are ready for the challenges of real river flows.

Online registrácia

V prípade Vášho záujmu o absolvovanie kurzu vyplňte tento online formulár a my Vás budeme spätne kontaktovať.



+421 948 303 305

Kpt. Matúš Pohuba

Course duration: 1 day

The rest of the preparation at home – self-study.
Preparation material: Atlas of the respective river, blind maps, practical training on a certified simulator.

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